West Lothian Crematorium Supports Local Charities
Four local charities are to share £6,000 donated by West Lothian Crematorium in Livingston as part of its metal recycling scheme.
With the consent of families, metals recovered during cremation are recycled and any money raised at each of the 34 crematoria and cemeteries nationwide operated by Westerleigh Group are used to support local worthy causes.
West Lothian Crematorium has donated £1,500 each to The Christian Bethany Trust, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health), The Roseberry Centre and Neil’s Hugs.
Carole Rae, site manager at the crematorium, said: “Since the donations come through the generosity of our families agreeing to recycle the metals, we try to give back to the community.
“Throughout each year, listening to families helps us to agree where to donate the money we’ve raised. This gives us a connection to the families and lets them know how much we wish to support them.
“In the past, a few families have asked us to consider their choice of charity, based on their own experiences and, again, we like to continue to support them when we can.”
Carole added: “The Christian Bethany Trust, which supports the homeless and vulnerable people, was recommended by our Minister, Rev John Povey.
“They are committed to ending homelessness even one person at a time, revitalising communities while bringing hope and a future to people who are at risk.
“SAMH is another charity we always want to support, as so many families have been affected by young family members tragically feeling that taking their own lives is their only option.
“The Roseberry Centre is a charity which supports all dementia care homes in and around West Lothian. They provide activities such as music, dance, painting, gardening and days out.
“We have supported them in the past and we know that our donations have been used for CDs and headphones to enable residents to enjoy individual music lists. It’s satisfying to know that our donations result in tangible results.
“Neil’s Hugs is a local charity created by a lady called Donna, whose son Neil sadly took his own life.
“She said there was no help for her whatsoever, and so, when she felt able, she was determined to make it her mission to help others and ensure that there was help, not just for those affected by suicide but other vulnerable people in need of support.
“That’s how Neil’s Hugs started, and it has now become Donna’s full-time job.
“All these organisations do such incredible work trying to enhance and make a positive difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the West Lothian area, and it’s an honour to be able to provide them with some financial support”